3 Tips on How to Safely Fit and Wear Your Bicycle Helmet

1. Step One

1. You want your helmet to fit so it sits not more than 2 fingers above your eyebrow.

2. Step Two

Your helmet straps should make a Y shape around your ears.

3. Step 3

Your chin strap should fit snug so at the most, you will be able to fit one finger underneath your chin.


Bicycle Helmet Fitting Checklist



Jim Dodson is a committed cyclist and a 25-year experienced personal injury lawyer. He has a special passion for helping Florida cyclists. If you have been injured in a cycling crash, regardless of where you are in Florida, let him handle the legal issues. You can be free from worry, get fair compensation, and have your bike replaced as soon as possible. Our phones are open to you 24/7. Call any time of the day or night to get your questions answered. 844-510-0530


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