On our website we have our E-bike buying guide, and we’ve been accumulating additional bikes to include in it. The guide has a great discussion about all the issues surrounding the purchase of an E-bike and the consideration of types of batteries and motors that best suit the individual rider.
What You Need from Your E-bike
Just now though I’d like to gather more information from cyclists who are using E-bikes and get insight into what prompted them to purchase a particular style or brand of E-bike. I’d also like to know how folks are using their E-bikes and why they bought them. Are they for a practical purpose like commuting to school or work? How does an E-bike make life easier or better? It would be a great help to our readers and viewers if you would send us this type of information. Katie, in the office, will forward you a link.
Is There Such a Thing as ‘The Best Bike?’
When we’re looking at E-bikes online, searching out specs, recommendations, costs, quality reviews, etc., it would be good to have actual direct information from E-bike riders about their uniquely personal experiences with riding E-bikes. How do they compare with riding regular non-motorized bicycles? What type of riding is being done with the E-bike would be especially interesting to read about. Is it for commuting? Or riding for pleasure? Perhaps for exercise/health reasons? Is there such a thing as ‘the best E-bike?’ With broader input we’ll also be able to expand the number and types of bikes that we cover in our future updated guide booklet.
Anyone who sends us their information will receive a handy little insurance folder for your automobile. You can actually carry it on your bike when you’re riding. It’s also good for keeping your driver’s license and insurance information in your automobile.
So thanks in advance for sharing your E-bike riding stories and information with us here at Jim Dodson Law. We’ll be sure to pass their value along to our viewers and readers so that everyone benefits from an expanded base of knowledge about this important growth area of cycling.